Five Proven Tips to Enhance Your Website’s User Experience

June 3, 2022 #Technology

Your website is one of the most important touch-points a customer has with your business. Data shows that a user can typically form an opinion on whether they like your website or not within 2 seconds. If you fail to grab the attention or give a good experience, you are more likely to lose a potential customer. This is why you should focus more on improving your website’s user experience. Here are six proven tips on how you can do that. Have a read.

Keep it Simple

Someone has said it right – there is beauty in simplicity. Make the user experience of your website simple so that your visitors engage with it more. With simple UX, it is easy to reduce the user bounce rate.

Make it Faster

There is nothing more frustrating to a user than a slow-loading website. No matter how good your website is, if it takes forever to load, users will bounce. When a user bounces, you will not only lose a customer but also affect SEO badly.

Use Attractive Calls to Action (CTAs)

Calls to action are action buttons written and placed exactly where the users will expect them to be. Well-placed call-to-action buttons can help in driving sales and increase conversions.

 Make it Mobile-Friendly

Technology is constantly evolving, and the devices people use to access the internet are also changing. A great percentage of the current population prefers to surf the internet through their mobile phone. So you don’t want them to have a bad experience using your website. Have a responsive website that people can use on their mobile devices.

Have a Great Hero Message

Your hero message’s primary goal is to inform what you do, for whom you do it, and why you do it. You don’t want to test your users’ patience by making them surf for 20 to 30 seconds to find what you offer. Studies indicate that the human attention clock span is around 8.5 seconds. So you should communicate your message effectively with your hero message.

These are some super useful tips to boost the user experience of your website. Want experienced eyes and minds to look at your website’s user experience? Then get in touch with us today. We are Wave 66, a leading web design and development company with more than 10 years of experience.